Eros Station

Sadie Stone
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Book Cover: Eros Station

"Oh, human. I like that look on your face."

I was sent to Eros Station as a diplomat–the first human on board an alien space station. My job was simple: work out the details of a mutually beneficial deal between humans and Erosi. We needed transport to a colony planet and in exchange we’d give them human seed to help with their fertility problem. Seemed pretty straightforward.

I had sacrificed free time, friendships, and love to get here. I thought I was prepared for this assignment. I thought I could control my body. I was wrong.

Pairs, groups, solo–the Erosi expressed their passion and desire out in the open for everyone to see…I couldn’t stop staring. And the more they watched me, the more I ached for release. It was intriguing. Mortifying. Titillating. I loved it.

This is the complete collection of Damien Hollister’s experiences on Eros Station.

**Bared before the Aliens**

I was here to work, not explore my newfound kinks on Eros Station.

**Displayed before the Aliens**

Arlex was the ringmaster. He teased, aroused, and wrung me out in front of everyone.

**Flaunted before the Aliens**

Arlex touched and played my body like a fine-tuned instrument, but I wanted more. I wanted him.

**Paraded before the Aliens**

These were Erosi. They enjoyed watching me. And Arlex and I were happy to give them a show.


About the Author

Sadie Stone

Sadie Stone likes writing about demons, aliens, and monsters and the humans they love. Her short stories are always spicy and always have Happily Ever Afters.