Spinning Out of Control

Kit Barrie
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Book Cover: Spinning Out of Control
Part of the Monster Match series:

Seven months ago, Caleb’s life was turned upside down. A terrible car accident took away his hand, his career, and the confidence he once had. Feeling like a monster himself is as good a reason as any to join a monster dating app. Surely a monster wouldn’t be particular about looks, would they?

Teracht is a small spider. Well, small in the monster world, anyway. The human world offers the opportunity to not be eaten, and maybe even the chance for a relationship. But what is a little spider creature with a big domination kink and a fear of leaving the house supposed to do to meet someone?

Can a damaged human and a shy monster overcome their insecurities to bring them closer together? Can confidence be gained through control, even in the midst of life’s tangled webs?

Cover Artists:

About the Author

Kit Barrie

Kit Barrie (she/her) was raised by pirates in a traveling carnival where she learned how to fly and to weave fantasy into reality. She identifies as chaotic bisexual, with good intentions and questionable methods. She lives in an utterly unfantastical state in the Midwestern United States with her very supportive spouse (VSS) and at least 4 food goblins who might just be cats gobblin’ food.

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Release Date: 2024-03-23

Author(s): Kit Barrie

Book Cover: Spinning Out of Control
Spinning Out of Control

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