A Star So Dark and Peculiar

Cyan Crowe
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Book Cover: A Star So Dark and Peculiar
Part of the Tears from the Sky series:
  • A Star So Dark and Peculiar

It’s time to embrace the night and show the true might of the stars so bright…

My name is Gage Odysseus Declan.
You could say I’m a complicated man with uncomplicated needs. I’m Alpha Wolf for the City, charged with protecting my kind. I enjoy law and order, sexy times at Circus, and being left alone.
Step too close, and I’ll cut you down.
But I’ve stumbled upon a kitty cat that smells like a raging storm, a dark and peculiar chaos that I want to dominate and cuddle.
His name is Ethan Odin Vinci.
I suspect he’s the Blade to Crown Lion. The cat lives in the Castle, is crazier than anyone I’ve ever met, and is way too devious for that vain head of his.
And he’s just as alpha as me.
That’s…a problem.
The Lady Moons connected two men together, an utter blindsiding Bond. This has never happened before—it’s not our way.
Yet here I am. Here he is.
Here we are under the sky and the stars and the night, circling each other like we’re moonslit prey…
While bloodthirsty vampires take root in the City, and our people continue to die from TEARS.
But I’ve got this under control.
I am that good.
Get ready to twinkle twinkle, bitches.
The night is going to shine.

*This novel is approx. 150,000 words. This world does not contain MPreg.
*TW: Violence.

About the Author

Cyan Crowe

Cyan Crowe enjoys long walks in the woods and making readers immersed in fantastical worlds that are a little bit dark and brutal.